Webinar: Personalisation in e-commerce: nice-to-have or must-have?

As you know, personalisation is one of our key words. If you are still wondering what it is all about, let us invite you to our first webinar in English: Personalisation in e-commerce: nice-to-have or must-have?

It will be led by Shem Prokop on May 15, 2019, at 3 p.m.

He will focus on:

  • key personalisation touch points throughout customer lifecycle
  • KPIs which can be improved thanks to personalisation and segmentation
  • how AI can automate and optimise e-commerce processes

Feel free to register!

Webinar: Personalisation in e-commerce: nice-to-have or must-have?

Jak wiecie, personalizacja to jedno z naszych słów kluczowych. Jeśli nadal zastanawiacie się o co w tym wszystkim chodzi, obejrzyjcie nasz najbliższy webinar: Personalisation in e-commerce: nice-to-have or must-have?

Tym razem prezentujemy po angielsku!

Shem Prokop, nasz Partner Channel Manager, odpowie Wam na tytułowe pytanie już w środę, 15 maja o 15:00. 

Poruszy też kwestie:

  • key personalisation touch points throughout customer lifecycle
  • KPIs which can be improved thanks to personalisation and segmentation
  • how AI can automate and optimise e-commerce processes

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