Tag : black friday

23 November 2020
Black Friday, step seven: Look for more opportunities

Check out some other ideas on how to keep customers in your online shop for longer on this special day

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18 November 2020
Black Friday, step six: Personalised landing page

During the Black Friday period, dedicated landing pages also work very well – personalised ones even better. Learn how to use it!

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16 November 2020
Black Friday, step five: Personalise your offer

Personalisation of the product offer is currently one of the key trends in e-commerce that effectively drives sales, especially during Black Friday

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12 November 2020
Black Friday, step four: Make searching products easier

65% of customers leave online shops because they are unable to find a product quickly. That’s why choosing the right search engine pays off

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10 November 2020
Black Friday, step three: How to use marketing automation?

Make your e-mail campaign effective: learn best practices and prevent your messages from falling into SPAM folder

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9 November 2020
Black Friday, step two: How to use banners and pop-ups?

How to prepare for Black Friday? Check the first step and learn why banners and pop-ups are worth-using

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5 November 2020
Black Friday, step one: Before you actually start

Start your preparations for Black Friday with a detailed plan. Read the news and check which questions are the most important at this moment

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23 November 2018
Black or white? Friday’s sale madness turns on the Vistula River

The popularity of Black Friday is growing year by year. According to forecasts, in 2018 the average Pole plans to spend 645 PLN and discounts will reach 46%

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14 November 2018
E-book: How to increase sales in the online shop during Black Friday?

26 pages of useful and practical knowledge about a one-day sale in the context of increasing sales results

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