How to write good content marketing texts for e-commerce?

A wide range of products or their competitive prices are not the only way to attract customers’ attention through online shops. Today, content marketing is a useful tool in building strategies in online trading. Valuable and engaging content is a great way to build an expert image, generate website traffic and increase sales. How to create effective texts in e-commerce? You can read about it in our article!

The power of content marketing in the online shop

Content marketing is today one of the key elements of e-commerce marketing strategies. This is not surprising – thanks to the creation of valuable and engaging content, online shops can create their image as a reliable expert. This, in turn, translates into a greater trust of potential customers, which plays an extremely important role in online sales.

In addition, the high quality of product descriptions, the publication of interesting articles and tips, the recording of product videos or the creation of infographics, are an expression of customer care and a professional approach to the business.

Good content allows online shops to gain the advantage over the competition, generate valuable traffic to their site and increase conversion on the website by improving its visibility in the search results.

The strength of content and its importance in the marketing strategy in e-commerce are undoubtedly invaluable. However, in order to fully use the potential of content, it is worth knowing how to create those that really interest the audience.

5 rules for creating effective content for e-commerce

  1. Knowing the recipient and his needs

A universal message addressed to everyone is, in fact, a message to anyone. Therefore, the first step in the preparation of the content marketing strategy in e-commerce is to get to know the potential client and his needs in order to properly match the content to them.

Using the available analytical tools, such as Google Analytics, we can create a person – a virtual image of a potential customer. From the collected data, we will, first of all, find out who the shoppers are, what they do, what their interests are, what their expectations are and what their values are.

Knowing whom we want to communicate with, let us think about what our recipients need and what our online shop can offer them. The wider the image of the target group we have, the greater the chance to hit the message and the interest of potential customers. After completing the detailed analysis, we can finally think about the appropriate method of communication with the recipients.

  1. Adjusting the tone of communication

There is no doubt that the content on the online shop website must match the profile of the target group. When writing to clients, we must use a language that is understandable to them and with which they identify.

The communication looks different for young mothers, differently for seniors or for gym amateurs. Depending on the specificity of the industry – let us use less (clothing industry, cosmetics) or more (financial industry, medical) formal language.

  1. Diversification of the form of communication

The form of communication is not everything – effective content marketing requires the use of different types of content. Such as:

  • descriptions of categories and products,
  • company blog,
  • frequently asked questions (FAQs),
  • information from the industry,
  • news from events,
  • company news,
  • infographics,
  • explainer videos,
  • case studies,
  • reviews,
  • e-books.

The text, even the best, will not fulfil its functions if it is not enriched with visually appealing infographics or popular videos. Remember also that the fun form of communication allows you to reach an even wider audience with different preferences.

As the research carried out by Radbound University Nijmegen shows funny forms of communication “distract” the brain of receivers – even those who are particularly negative about advertising. Humour decreases the level of recipients’ caution and evokes more emotional reactions.

  1. Creating valuable and unique content

The driving force in content marketing is valuable and unique content. By value, we can understand those that meet the needs of recipients – they answer their questions, meet their needs, inspire to take action.

Regularly publishing current content is a sign of being close to potential customers needs and their expectations. The content published in the online shop must be unique. The original content affects the recipient’s imagination and remains fully understood. Avoid copying texts from other sources, for example from the producer or the competition. Using someone else’s content is risky primarily from the point of view of search engines – duplicating content can significantly lower the position of your online shop in search results.

  1. The power of webwriting

Let’s also take care of the appropriate formatting of the content published in the online shop. In the case of different types of texts, always start with a concise introduction and divide them into paragraphs with relevant headings. Use bullets, bolds or simple tables to highlight the most important issues.

Thanks to the transparent structure, the text will be easier and more pleasant to read – a greater chance that the visitor will take the time to become familiar with it. Finally, it is also mandatory to check the content in terms of linguistic correctness and compliance with the rules of spelling, punctuation, and stylistics.

The well-known slogan “content is the king” repeated so often in recent years becomes more important when we begin to think about the form and quality of content published on the Internet. It must be remembered that what our brand communicates to customers builds its image.

The video version of this article is available on YouTube:

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