The best Sunday in the history of e-commerce in Poland

  • The e-commerce industry more than doubled its sales on the first non-commercial Sunday.
  • The share of yesterday’s Sunday in online transactions was as much as 18% of the total revenues of e-shops in the last week.
  • Nice weather caused a peak in online shopping between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m.

Closing shops on Sunday, according to QuarticOn analysts’ calculations, gave a powerful kick to digital shops. While this year’s average Polish e-commerce was usually 130 million zlotys of revenue on Sunday, yesterday Poles spent as much as 270 million PLN on the web.

Paweł Wyborski, the president of QuarticOn, says:

It was a great Sunday for e-commerce. If every Sunday free from trading would look similar to the first Sunday, then on non-commercial Sunday transactions e-commerce would gain an additional 2 billion PLN in 2018.

Sunday was a very good trading day for e-commerce even before the entry into force of the anti-trade regulations. At that time, on a weekly basis, online sales on Sundays averaged 13% of total revenues. The first non-commercial Sunday significantly changed these statistics: the e-commerce industry recorded a nearly 40% increase in sales over the whole week compared to the average annual result. Thus, according to QuarticOn analyses, online shops generated 18% of their weekly turnover yesterday.

Incoming data herald a fat year in e-commerce. According to Łukasz Szczepański, CEO of, the upward trend will be confirmed by the next non-commercial Sundays:

The trade ban introduced on Sunday is a chance to increase turnover by at least a dozen or so per cent per year. Therefore, we are currently investigating the effectiveness of various marketing activities, which may further increase the pro-sales effect on days prohibited from trading in stationery shops. Deliveries on the same day in specific Polish cities are a strategically important issue for us. We would like to launch such a service for orders on all days of the week, not only on Sundays.

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